Our Story
“So the LORD said to Moses, ‘Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit of leadership, and lay your hand on him.”
— Numbers 27:18 (NIV)
Joshua was raised up under the leadership of Moses. Joshua was Moses' successor. Joshua was faithful. Joshua was strategic. Joshua was of a "different spirit." Joshua was submitted to God. Joshua was an effective leader.
Never before have we lived in such a time of confusion & chaos, hate & hurt, distrust & dysfunction. And never before have the people of God had such an opportunity to make an impact for the Kingdom of Light. At Pfrimmer's Chapel, we believe it is our privilege and responsibility to train up leaders to make such an impact like Joshua. That’s why the Holy Spirit has led us to launch The Joshua Center.
Our Approach
Our Vision:
To train up both laity and clergy leaders to walk in their call with the utmost of integrity through solid, biblical teaching & training; preparing well-developed leaders confidently sent out to minister the word of God, in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We help you...
... explore the first stages of your calling.
... clarify where your calling may be employed for the work of the Kingdom.
... supernaturally energize the saints for the whole work of the Church in our current culture.
Our Offerings
The Joshua Center offers a yearly course held in quarterly classes both online and in person. Included in the course are live teachings; teaching podcasts, video devotions and a new online classroom. Additional elective classes are also offered throughout the course year. The yearly training course is based on a three-year rotating theme.
The themes are as follows:
Preaching, Prophecy and Proclamation
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit and Holy Trinity
Who should enroll?
We invite pastors and ministry leaders as well as any disciples who want to deepen their faith and call in the local church and workplace. If you are looking to be supernaturally equipped, this is a the place for you. We seek to equip, encourage, and empower innovative & organic leaders who will change the DNA of our culture. If you have a heart for this in your sphere of influence, click here to enroll now.