The Person and The Power Podcast with Pastor Tim Johnson is an invitation to cultivate a deep and profound relationship with the Holy Spirit within us as believers in Jesus Christ.
After 25 years of ministry, Pastor Tim’s desire is that all of us would experience both the Spirit’s transformational intimacy and supernatural activity in our daily lives.
Listen to new episodes each week! You can find them below, on Apple Podcasts, or on Spotify.

May Our Gloom Be Banished By Joy
Most of us know the song, “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!” (You’re welcome; it’s now stuck in your head!) But as familiar as we may be with this chorus, are we equally familiar with the cooperative effort required of us to have joy in our lives? As we see in the letter to the Philippians, there are a series of commands for us to do in order for us to be able to rejoice. And the end result of that joy? Peace. Sure sounds like the fruit of the Holy Spirit, doesn’t it?!

Answers of the Holy Spirit
We see throughout the Bible several passages of Scripture that point to our prayer lives being connected to and fueled by the power of the Holy Spirit. But even with those verses, much of our prayer language does not include a real reliance on the Holy Spirit. In some sense, our prayer language indicts us. May we continue to grow in the revelation that without the Holy Spirit, we really have no hope of a fruitful and confident prayer life. And may we grow in deeper trust as the Holy Spirit answers those prayers in a better way than we can imagine.

Behavior Modification
“We recognize the works of the flesh in our lives and feel doomed to repeat them over and over. But we don’t have to… the Holy Spirit brings us antidotes that we can use to break free of them.”
Paul sets the tone for Galatians 5 with one word: freedom. And that’s exactly what the Holy Spirit wants to bring into our lives as we allow Him to do the supernatural work that only He can do. But He can only do that supernatural work as we cooperate with Him.

Don’t Settle for Fading Glory
So many times in our attempt to rediscover our worth and our identity, we turn to things that may give us a temporary sense of value, but in the long run can never be sustained and ultimately ends up empty. All the while there is a Source of our truest and purest identity: the Holy Spirit of a living and loving God. Only He can restore us back to the created image of God. And we will know the difference between something fading and something lasting; for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!

Finding Your Spiritual Sweet Spot, Part 2
Some of the latest statistics show a disturbing and very un-Biblical understanding of spiritual gifts among those who identify themselves as born-again Christians. If we have any hope of serving in the Kingdom of God in our “spiritual sweet spot,” then we must have a deeper and greater grasp of the Holy Spirit, our spiritual gifts, and how we should be using them.

Finding Your Spiritual Sweet Spot, Part 1
Like so much of what the Holy Spirit does, unfortunately, spiritual gifts have been a source of consternation, confusion, and chaos for the Church over the years. But when we fully embrace the truth and power of the gift or gifts that He alone has given us to use for the Kingdom, it’s a beautiful thing. In fact, it becomes our “spiritual sweet spot” when we finally surrender to the Holy Spirit and truly utilize the gifts we have been given.
Critical questions: Do you know the spiritual gift or gifts that the Holy Spirit has given you? And have you found your “sweet spot” in using that gift?

Holy Spirit is a Someone
From the booklet Prayers to the Holy Spirit: “May you come to experience the Holy Spirit more personally and grasp more perfectly who He is and what He means for your life.”
In order to experience the grace of Jesus and the love of the Father, we must cultivate a deep and profound relationship with the Person living within us: the Holy Spirit!
“O Holy Spirit, I want to know You more and love You more. Draw me into Your Presence and reveal Yourself to me.”

Send Forth Your Spirit… and Renew
From the very beginning, we see the Spirit of God deeply involved in the work of creation. Here in this passage of Scripture, we see the psalmist ask the Lord to send His Spirit to “renew” or “re-create” the face of the earth. As the breath of God, it is good and right to pray to the Holy Spirit, asking Him to come and renew and refresh the hearts of the faithful.

Born of Water and the Spirit
If there ever is a passage to fully embrace CIE (Context Is Everything), it might be right here in the third chapter of John’s Gospel. Jesus is talking about the Kingdom of God to Nicodemus as He uses the language and imagery of being “born again.” Unfortunately and unwisely, we have used the phrase “born of water” to imply water baptism and have thus opened up a decisive and unnecessary can of worms.

Experiencing the Spirit (Part 2)
A true and authentic experience with the Holy Spirit can never be just about emotions and goosebumps. It must include the two-punch formula of Acts 1:8. Yes, we will receive power – the first punch. But that power is never about us. The second punch? Becoming a bold witness to Jesus Christ in all the world. Ask, Seek, and Knock in prayer to experience the Holy Spirit and be prepared to be His witness.

Experiencing the Spirit
As we learn to Ask, Seek, and Knock even more effectively and efficiently in our prayer lives, it is incumbent that we understand more keenly the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. And as our prayer lives become more vibrant and more Kingdom-focused, then it is a no-brainer that we will experience the Holy Spirit more and more. Go ahead; ask to experience the Holy Spirit, and be prepared for the answers to those prayers!

Praying in the Holy Spirit
Some may remember Paul Harvey, the iconic radio announcer whose famous “The Rest of the Story” broadcast aired for more than 50 years. Those five words were near the end of every episode, and they always signaled some unexpected turn in the story that he had been sharing. Today’s podcast could almost qualify for a “rest of the story” moment as the exhortation to ask, seek, and knock in prayer is absolutely connected to none other than the Holy Spirit. Put bluntly: we have NO prayer life without the Spirit.

Asking, Seeking, and Knocking
Most of us Christians know this phrase all too well: “Ask, seek, and knock.” We also know what follows: “Given, found, and opened.” But in our familiarity with this passage of Scripture, have we missed the actual context? Could it be that the secret to our prayer lives might be a supernatural connection with the charging power of the Holy Spirit?

Locusts Devouring, Spirit Pouring
Israel and locusts have had a long history together. But even here in Joel’s prophecy about judgment, there is hope and restoration for those to turn to the Lord. And the greatest promise found in this chapter is the prophecy of Pentecost! Even as locusts prepare to devour the land, the Lord promises a pouring of His Spirit for all those who repent.

Spirit-Ordered Priorities
It’s easy to do… With hundreds of distractions always vying for our time and energy, it’s easy to get our priorities out of order. That was certainly the case for Judah and the restoration of the Temple. The Lord appointed Haggai to take the people to task and take a spiritual inventory of their lives. Praise God that the same Holy Spirit who did that for the people then is the very same Spirit who can help us order our priorities now.

Spirit of Grace and Supplication
This prophecy surrounding Jerusalem’s future is amazing and mysterious. As many have opinions, none of us can know for certain how this will play out in the final days. But this one thing we can be certain: the same Spirit who will pour out grace on the inhabitants of Jerusalem on that day so that they will have the desire to cry out to Jesus is the same Holy Spirit who gives us grace today to call out to God. May we receive His favor, and may we never stop calling on the name of Jesus!

Gratitude Comes from “the Filling”
It’s the day after Thanksgiving 2024. We may still be in our “turkey coma” or looking forward to leftovers. We may be braving Black Friday shopping or turning our attention to Christmas by cutting down the family tree. Wherever this day finds us, it seems like a good day to be reminded of this truth: being thankful is an expected fruit of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Known as the People of “Fresh Oil”
The Jewish people were just coming back from 70 years of their Babylonian exile. They were charged with rebuilding the Temple, among other things. They needed encouragement. In steps Zechariah with a word from the Lord and a vision. It won’t be in human might and power that anything of the Kingdom will be accomplished, but only by God’s Spirit. The Spirit is always good for a never-ending flow of “fresh oil.”

Justice is the Heartbeat of God
If one carries the title of “leader” in any way, there is a great expectation that comes with that. For God, that expectation is even higher. That is why the leaders of Israel - both politically and spiritually - were under such assault by the prophet Micah. If we want the heartbeat of God, then we must care about justice and doing the right thing for the people we say we lead.

Learning Lessons from the Letters: Ephesus
Perhaps the most infamous quote of all of these letters to the churches of Revelation is found in the letter to Ephesus: “You’ve lost your first love.” The indictment is clear, but the reason is not. But when we study the history of this city and read Acts 19, the shroud of mystery lifts, and we begin to get a peek into what may have caused this critical loss of love. Be careful when the business of the Kingdom becomes a business.